
Fatty acids and lipids are important biological compounds that are essential to the regulation and control of cellular functions and metabolic pathways. These biomolecules are also tied to the energetic balance of an organism. Their qualitative/quantitative analysis has emerged in lipidomics research to better understand their underlying pathophysiology, as well as to identify new biomarkers or diagnose existing ones. It is also used to assess pathway activities.

To aid such research initiatives, CIL offers an array of individual standards and multi-component mixes. The fatty acid and lipid standards are available in their neat and/or solution form. The analytes span a breadth of fatty acid (includes saturated and unsaturated small, medium, and long chain) and lipid (e.g., glycerolipids, lysophospholipids, sphingolipids) classes, as well as biochemical pathways (e.g., fatty acid oxidation, ketone body synthesis, lipolysis). The dried-down mixes are uniformly labeled and available in different forms (i.e., free acid, methyl ester).